The Blue Planet, a BBC natural history series presented by David Attenborough, is accompanied by an appropriately sweeping score by George Fenton. After a bombastic main theme that fuses orchestra, electronics and synthesised choir into a 21st-century anthem, the remaining 15 tracks present an orchestral portrait of the world's oceans. Though folk-ethnic elements are incorporated into cues such as "Spinning Dolphins", Fenton has essentially created a sequence of modern seascapes ranging from the domain of "Surfing Snails" to the "Frozen Oceans". The composer has a long association with not only David but also Richard Attenborough, receiving Oscar and BAFTA nominations for Richard's Gandhi and Cry Freedom, as well as BAFTA nominations for David's The Trials of Life and Life in the Freezer. His work on The Blue Planet has the rich melody and dramatic intensity of his Anna and the King, coupled with a greater diversity than the scope of the average film allows. Thus, title aside, "Sardine Run" surges with sea spray and the thrill of the chase and "Blue Whale" resounds with lyrical, implacable majesty. Television music on an epic scale which will reward fans of the composer and the series alike.
1. The blue planet
2. Sardine run
3. Spinning dolphins
4. Blue whale
5. Thimble jellyfish
6. Surfing snails
7. Emperors
8. Turtles
9. Sharks
10. Stingray
11. Baitball
12. Vertical migration
13. Elephant seal march
14. Frozen oceans
15. Coral wonder
16. Killer whales